Choose the power of Erlab filters
for your laboratory fume hood
USA: 800 964-4434
The present site is the property of ERLAB DFS, a simplified joint stock company (société par actions simplifiée) with a capital of € 660,000, headquartered at Parc d’Affaires des Portes BP 403, 27104 Val de Reuil cedex, France, registered in the Trade and Companies Registry (Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés) of the city of Evreux under SIRET number 667 250 096 000 43. The publication director of the present website is Mr. Stéphane Hauville, in his capacity as President of the company. This site is also designed to promote other companies directly or indirectly linked to the ERLAB Group, namely Erlab, Inc. (USA), Kunshan Erlab DFS Co. Ltd. (China), Erlab SL (Spain), and Erlab Asia Sdn Bhd (Malaysia).
The service provider responsible for hosting the site is the company Pixel Ingénierie located at 21 rue de Fécamp 75012 Paris, France.
In accordance with the provisions of France’s Data Protection and Privacy Act (Law N° 78-17 of January 6, 1978), a declaration was filed with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (i.e., the CNIL, France's data protection administration) regarding the automatic processing of personal data via this website.
Pursuant to France’s Data Protection and Privacy Act (Law N° 78-17 of 01/06/1978), as modified by Law 2004-801 of 08/06/2004, you have the right to object to, access, correct, or remove data that pertains to you. Therefore, you may contact us in order to correct, add to, update, or remove any personal information that is incorrect, incomplete, erroneous, out-of-date, or for which the collection, use, communication, or storage is prohibited. You can contact us either by sending an e-mail to the following address, or calling us at 01 722 341 940.
Information regarding you is only for use by the Erlab group. We do not transmit this information to anyone else. If you do not want to receive an e-mail from us, please advise us at We work to protect the security of your information particularly for online payments. Payment is made to a general corporate account via a specific platform, Atos Worldline, which secures the data transmission using SSL encoding. It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer.
Information regarding automatic data processing
Erlab’s IT manager is in charge of data processing.
The purpose of the automatic data processing performed via the web site is as follows: to enable the execution of existing or potential contracts with the client by collecting their contact details.
Fields marked with an asterisk are required.
Possible consequences of a blank field: in countries where online sales are possible, orders for products cannot be placed online; in other countries, a quote cannot be provided to the client.
It is the Erlab sales department who are to receive the information collected.
All or part of the data collected on this website may be transferred outside the European Union, but only to the sales or laboratory departments of the other companies within the Erlab Group in the USA, in accordance with the rights granted by the French Data Protection and Privacy Act. Automatic data processing serves the same purpose as that mentioned above. Data is transferred outside the European Union to the United States, which offers a sufficient level of protection in accordance with Article 68 of the Data Protection Act (see the official decision by the European Commission on May 28, 2004. If any personal data collected is intended to later be transferred, it may only be transferred within a 15-day period following receipt by the party in question of the information above.
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The website and its general structure, including the text, animations, static images, know-how, drawings, graphics, and any other element comprising the site, as well as trademarks, are the exclusive property of Erlab, regardless of whether or not they have been registered with an intellectual property office. Any violation of Erlab’s intellectual property rights will be grounds for legal action. Asura , captair, greenfumehood, ESP, Ecoprotect, Erlab and associated logos are trademarks of ERLAB. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners
The information on the services and their characteristics was correct at the time that it was published online or at the time that the various web pages were updated; this information is provided only as a reference and may not be considered binding.