Choose the power of Erlab filters
for your laboratory fume hood
USA: 800 964-4434
N°1 in ductless mobile enclosures and vented chemical storage cabinets for the total filtration of toxic gases
Captair ductless fume hoods and storage cabinets are produced by the Erlab group. Having invented the process in 1968, Erlab has never stopped updating its ranges in order to provide the market with safety solutions that incorporate the most advanced technologies and whose performance is characterized by compliance with the AFNOR NF X 15 211 standard, the reference standard in this area.
Erlab's flagship brand Captair produces various models of ductless fume hoods and storage cabinets: Midcap, Filtair, Filtair XL, Toxicap, Powdercap, Store, Flex, etc.
The website is the only site today capable of supplying you with original replacement filters for all Captair ductless fume hoods and storage cabinets. |